Tips for anyone who can t lose weight…

How can I lose weight in an easy but safe way fast?

I’m 18 and I weigh 173.. Family members keep complaining about my stomach & how I look pregnant when I’m not. I wanna lose weight but I dont know how.

Any ideas?

Step 1:  Eat more frequently. Three meals a day is the norm, but it always helps you to gain weight. The long intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner put your body into starvation mode. This leads to a lower metabolism as the body tries to reserve the food you have already eaten. But by eating small meals every 3 to 4 hours your metabolic rate stays high. You can actually eat more and still lose weight.

Step 2:  Drink more water. One quick weight loss tip is to drink a glass of water before every meal.

Step 3:  Eat fewer carbohydrates and fat.

Step 4:  Be physical active. Exercise is a great way to burn fat. But if you hate to exercise you can just walk more often or use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step 5:  Eat mostly fruits and vegetables.

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